High motive power, Rated frequecy 5.000 - 37.000 rpm, Centrifugal Force 1.100 - 12.000 N, Continuosly variable, Can be used at up 150 C, Resistance to extreme environmental conditions.

Emptying of hopper and chutes, Screen filters, Conveying of particulates, Preventing adhesions in pipelines and silos, Transport of fine powders, Compacting of plastic and concrete in troughs.

Frequecy, rpm
A, mm
B, mm
C, mm
D, mm
E, mm
F, mm
G, mm
H, kg
W, kg
R 50 36.000 4.220 50 29 86 68 12 7 40 1/8" 0,24
R 65 26.000 6.120 65 37 113 90 16 9 50 1/4" 0,45
R 80 19.000 7.450 80 43 128 104 16 9 60 1/4" 0,95
R 100 16.000 8.900 100 52 160 130 20 11 80 3/8" 1,81
R 120 12.500 12.500 120 77 194 152 24 17 - 3/8" 4,26