Rated frequecy 6.000 - 43.000 rpm, Centrifugal Force 900 - 12.000 N, Continuosly variable, Can be used at up 150 C, Resistance to extreme environmental conditions.

Emptying of bunkers,  Screen filters, Vibrating tables, Preventing adhesions in pipelines and silos, Transport of fine powders, Movement of bulk materials.

Frequency, rpm
A, mm
B, mm
C, mm
D, mm
E, mm
F, mm
G, mm
H, kg
W, kg
T 50 LP 23.000 1.710 50 46 86 68 12 7 1/8" 1/4" 0,38
T 50 HP 16.500 1.350 50 60 86 68 12 7 1/8" 1/4" 0,52
T 65 LP 15.000 1.800 65 50 113 90 16 9 1/4" 1/4" 0,73
T 65 HP 12.000 2.600 65 64 113 90 16 9 1/4" 1/4" 0,97
T 80 LP 13.000 3.790 80 56 128 104 16 11 1/4" 3/8" 1,21
T 80 HP 10.500 4.740 80 70 128 104 16 11 1/4" 3/8" 1,56
T100 HP 10.000 6.060 100 67 160 130 20 13 3/8" 3/8" 2,27